OGSE (Optical Ground Support Equipment)
LusoSpace has extensive experience in OGSE development, as we have already supplied OGSEs for the GAIA, Sentinel 3, and Sentinel 5 optical instruments. The Sentinel 5 OGSE was our most recent experience, as the latest equipment (C&C OGSE set) was delivered to our customer in early 2022.
Development of optical characterization and testing instrument for Sentinel-5 Earth Observation mission
Lusospace was responsible for the design, manufacturing, assembly, and testing of the OGSEs’ units for Sentinel-5, used in both the Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) phase of UV1, UV2VIS, and NIR spectrometers, and the Calibration and Characterization (C&C) phase of the complete instrument. The AIT phase included alignment and verification tests of the S5 spectrometers in ISO5 conditions and a thermal vacuum environment. The on-ground calibration campaign, during the C&C phase, included instrument measurements under flight representative conditions, carried out inside a dedicated thermal vacuum chamber.
For the AIT OGSE, three sets with similar design concepts were developed, for the UV1, UV2VIS, and NIR spectral ranges. Two modules are assembled in a common baseplate: the ILL OGSE and ILL GSS OGSE. The first provides point sources that will be positioned at the spatial and spectral object planes of the S5 spectrograph used for the alignment of the detector with the spectrograph optics of the S5 instrument. The second module provides an astigmatic beam.
Among the C&C OGSEs developed by Lusospace, a fundamental one is the Sun Simulator (SUSI). SUSI provides a perfectly collimated beam to characterize and calibrate the different instruments’ performance requirements, and also to retrieve calibration key parameters. The very stringent requirements of the instrument, both in dimensions of the beam and in optical properties (spectral irradiance, spatial uniformity, aperture, among others), require a dedicated development of a large aperture Sun Simulator.